Sustainable land management strategies for Central Asia & the Mediterranean

Sustainable land management strategies for Central Asia & the Mediterranean

How to translate a body practices for land and water degradation into tools and data that can be used by many countries?

The CACILM and MENARID programs reviewed and validated a range of practices and technologies for sustainable land and water management, and mitigating and reversing land degradation. We helped program leaders synthesise craft past project results, into an evidence package of tested technical solutions and practices that countries across the region can apply – for their planners, policy makers, donors and development agencies. This included live review and synthesis dialogues with research teams and policy makers to review the results of land degradation interventions, asking the question: what aspects of your project have potential for scaling-up in similar agro-ecosystems?

Partners: IFAD/Menarid/GEF, ICARDA, national government agencies in Central Asia and the Mediterranean region.

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